Real EstateUncategorized October 17, 2018

Minimize and simplify your life. Are you ready?


October 17, 2018

Written through real-life experience by:  Kara Brem

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Have you considered what it would feel like to let go of the “stuff” in your life and downsize?  To remove all the excess items you’ve acquired over the years and really minimize? 

I recently did just that and I will tell you…it feels better than I ever imagined.  Everything I own now fits in my recently purchased 800 sq ft one bedroom La Costa condo and 1 car garage…including my car!

Living a minimalist lifestyle is not for everyone.  It’s certainly a case-by-case scenario and if you still have little ones in the house there are other versions of minimalism or simplifying that can also be rewarding, without limiting your living space to an extreme degree. 

In my situation, my independent daughter is 25 and has been out of the house for years.  She’s not coming home to live with mom anytime soon.   When she does come for a visit, I splurge and get her an airbnb right down the street.  She has her space and I have mine.  It’s perfect!



When I bought my little condo, people thought I was a tad off my rocker.  Some thought I must be experiencing financial difficulties.  WHY would I ever want to do such a thing and why live in a small space?



Well here you have it.  These are  the benefits I’ve experienced thus far in my minimizing adventure:

  • I know exactly where EVERYTHING I own is.  No more searching through boxes or cabinets looking for that one item.
  •  I’m organized beyond belief.  You have to be in a small space!
  • Instead of buying a home that was MORE than I needed, I now have money to travel, explore, and enjoy life when I have the time off work.  I’m not a slave to my mortgage.
  • My manageable mortgage payment allows me to start on my next life goal…purchasing investment properties to create future financial comfort and stability for my “later years”.
  • I don’t waste my money on anything I don’t need because it just doesn’t fit!  If I want to purchase something, something else has to go first.


Letting go and giving away my excess “stuff” allowed me to share things I did not need with those that did.  Smiles for days.  This activity was enough to make me want to give away more and so I did!  People are so appreciative and many needed these things much more than I did.                                                                     

So, if this sounds like a way of life you’d like to explore and if you’re ready to downsize, let’s get started looking for your new home. It’s a great time to start a new, simple lifestyle and it starts with your home base.  I’m happy to help and I’m so excited about this new way of life I just want everyone to experience it.